
Monday, April 25, 2022

The Opposite of Being Poor , is Having Enough .

    It's fair to say that there are countless ideas of what the words "poor" and "enough" mean.  I'm reminded of  the late Supreme Court Justice Potter  Steward when trying to define "pornography".  He famously said something like - "I'll know it when I see it".  

     Images and hot button topics quickly come to mind when we think of "poverty" - maybe news coverage from Africa or the slums in your nearest city, food stamps, the homeless guy with the cup or the child depending on school lunches for her daily nutrition.  

     How about the word "enough"?  That's a tough one because so few of us ponder what that actually is. Wealth and "enough" are rarely considered synonyms.  I've met and worked with lots of people who, by all appearances, were dirt poor.  Whether it was in Ethiopia, or all across the USA, sprinkled among these common folk were those who had enough.  Just enough food, shelter, faith, companionship, love,  peace of mind,  and sense of purpose.  They were an inspiring lot.

     On most days I really believe I have enough.  The older I get however, the more I lose sleep over two groups - those who truly don't have enough and those who will never think they have enough.


Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Time to Change the Conversation


     Here in the United States our survival as a democracy is in serious jeopardy.  Fear, anger, and a sense of despair have enveloped our collective psyche.  We're directionless and no single human being can steer us out of this mess.  The best that we can hope for, is that a CRITICAL MASS of  Americans would work together to change our country's trajectory.  Kind of like putting "The Hundredth Monkey" principles that author Ken Keyes,  described - into action.

     Every citizen can point a blaming finger at someone else or some group.  It's quite easy and common to offer up overly simple solutions to very complex problems.  Band-aids have replaced the difficult work of identifying root causes of national crises.  We would much prefer to demonize and theorize than actually strategize - especially with those we're told are our enemies.  Mainstream media ratings and profits seem to be directly linked to the perpetuation of the "us and them" myth. 

     HOWEVER -  the last time I checked we are still -The UNITED States of America - and it is our duty to see that it stays that way. Anyone who has seriously pledged their allegiance to our flag has also vowed to support " nation under God, INDIVISIBLE with liberty and justice for all".   Social media and many news outlets have focused on that which divides at OUR expense whether or not we realize it.

      The status quo hasn't been working for everyday Americans.  Please note -dividing us is a tool that concentrates wealth and power - and guess who's been winning?

     Those who recognize that our country's problems are way bigger than politics and name calling, can take active parts in this dialog.  It's an enormous challenge but then again so is keeping a spirit of hope for our country in 2022.  Healing can't start until self-injury stops.

     To paraphrase Yogi Berra -

If you don't know where

    you want to go,

         You're not likely to get there.

     The path our nation has taken isn't sustainable.  I challenge YOU to share your DREAMS FOR AMERICA. 

     Let's start the conversation.

How would your America look different in 2035?